Predictive performance of presence-only species distribution models: a benchmark study with reproducible code. Ecological Monographs.

Appendix S2

Roozbeh Valavi (The University of Melbourne, Australia) , Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita (The University of Melbourne, Australia) , José J. Lahoz-Monfort (The University of Melbourne, Australia) , Jane Elith (The University of Melbourne, Australia)


In this document, we show how different species distribution models (SDMs) can be fitted to presence-background data in the R programming language. Several statistical and machine learning algorithms are presented here, covering all methods presented in the main text. Each model is fitted using the same code we used for producing the results in our paper. Some additional suggestions are also provided that could be useful for smaller modeling exercises, but that we could not apply due to the large number of species and computation limits. The code provided here can be used for modeling any binary response.

Please cite us by Valavi, R., Guillera‐Arroita, G, Lahoz‐Monfort, J.J. & Elith, J. (2021) Predictive performance of presence-only species distribution models: a benchmark study with reproducible code. Ecological Monographs. if you use the materials in this document.

The example species

One of the species in New South Wales (NSW), Australia dataset (“nsw14”) is used as an example. This species has 315 presence records (represented as 1) coupled with 10,000 randomly selected background points (represented as 0) from the landscape that make up the training data. The evaluation data for this species has 161 and 541 presences and absences, respectively. The geographic distribution of the species’ occurrence data is shown in the following figure (the background points are ignored here for visualization purposes).

Loading species data

Here, code for loading the example species data from the disdat package is presented. You need to load the species presences and background for training the models and species presence-absence and the environmental covariates for testing the models. Notice the background data shown in the following code is 10,000 random background sample (from the NCEAS 2006 paper). For the our paper, 50,000 random samples were used. So, the model fitting is faster for this example compared to the modeling time reported in the main text. You can find the files for 50k background samples in the supplementary materials.

After loading the data, you need to convert the categorical covariates to factor data type (check Elith et al. [2020] or the documentation of the disdat package for the list of covariates and their types). In addition, some models require the covariates to be on the same scale e.g. SVM. So we normalized (scale and center to mean and standard deviation) the continuous covariate before model fitting (in the real modeling, the covariates were not normalized for Lasso GLM, Ridge regression, and MaxEnts as they have internal normalization). The same parameter used for transforming (mean and standard deviation of the training samples) the training data should be applied to the testing data and the raster files when one wants to predict to raster.

To install the disdat package use:

# loading the data package

# specifying the species id
spID <- "nsw14"

# loading the presence-background data
pr <- disPo("NSW")
bg <- disBg("NSW") # this is 10,000 random backgrounds
pr <- pr[pr$spid == spID, ] # subset the target species 
# combine the presence and background points
training <- rbind(pr, bg)

# loading the presence-absence testing data
# species 'nsw14' is in the 'db' group, see Elith et al. (2020) for details
testing_env <- disEnv("NSW", group = "db")
testing_pa <- disPa("NSW", group = "db")

# uncorrelated variables - see appendix Table 1 for variables used in each region
covars <- c("cti", "disturb", "mi", "rainann", "raindq", 
            "rugged", "soildepth", "soilfert", "solrad", 
            "tempann", "topo", "vegsys")
# subset uncorrelated covariates
training <- training[, c("occ", covars)]
testing_env <- testing_env[, covars]

# convert the categoricals to factor
training$vegsys <- as.factor(training$vegsys)
testing_env$vegsys <- as.factor(testing_env$vegsys)

# normalize the covariates (exept vegsys which is categorical)
# *notice: not all the models are fitted on normalized data in
# the main analysis! Please check the main text.
for(v in covars[covars!="vegsys"]){
  meanv <- mean(training[,v])
  sdv <- sd(training[,v])
  training[,v] <- (training[,v] - meanv) / sdv
  testing_env[,v] <- (testing_env[,v] - meanv) / sdv

# print the first few rows and columns
training[1:5, 1:5]
     occ        cti    disturb        mi  rainann
1150   1  0.0444338 -0.1104779 0.9155303 1.268810
1151   1  0.5326107 -0.1104779 0.9155303 1.274938
1152   1  1.4601469 -0.1104779 1.0000868 1.281066
1153   1 -0.3461077 -1.1455181 1.2537564 1.238172
1154   1 -0.2484724 -1.1455181 1.1691998 1.201405

Modeling methods:

This section shows how the models are fitted in this study followed by code for calculating model performance metrics. In the final section, mapped distributions are produced. Codes are provided to facilitate predicting to rasters for some of the models for which the generic prediction function in the raster package is not working e.g. SVM and glmnet.

Most of the models in this study accept weights (see table 2 in the main text). There are two types of weights, case weights and class weights. In the case weights, there is a weight for every single observation of presence and background (i.e. 10315 number of weights in this example; 10000 backgrounds and 315 presences). But, the class weights has one weight per class (one for presences and one for backgrounds). Only RF down-sampled and SVM accepts class weights, the rest of the models allow only case weights. The weights are generated by giving a weight of 1 to every presence location and give the weights to the background in a way that the sum of the weights for the presence and background samples are equal i.e. number of presences / number of background (315 / 10000 here). For GLM and GAM, we also used the weighting scheme used in Infinitely Weighted Logistic Regression (IWLR) suggested by Fithian and Hastie (2013). We called them IWLR-GLM and IWLR-GAM. This IWLR weighting can be generated by:

# calculating the IWLR weights
iwp <- (10^6)^(1 - training$occ)


The mgcv package is used to fit a Generalized Additive Model (GAM). mgcv can estimate the level of smoothness and there is no need to pre-specify the degreee of freedom (df). The package does that by allowing a very high value of df and then regularising it by internal validation methods (Wood, 2016).

Few parameters can set the model flexibility in mgcv::gam. First, it is recommended by Pedersen et al., (2019) to use REML (restricted maximum likelihood) to estimate the coefficients and smoothers. Second, the k parameter which is the number of basis functions (for creating smoothing terms) specifies the possible maximum Effective Degree of Freedom (EDF). This is the amount of wiggliness that each function can have. Thus k should be high enough to give sufficient flexibility and low enough to be computationally affordable (the higher the k, the longer it takes to fit the model). We used default k (k = 10) in our modeling procedure. You can use mgcv::gam.check() to check if the k is consistent with your data. This is related to the number of unique values in each covariate: k should not be higher than that. For choosing k, the number of unique values in the covariate should be considered i.e. the lower this number, the lower k should be. For more details read Pedersen et al., (2019).

# loading the packages

# calculating the case weights (equal weights)
# the order of weights should be the same as presences and backgrounds in the training data
prNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
bgNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["0"]) # number of backgrounds
wt <- ifelse(training$occ == 1, 1, prNum / bgNum)

form <- occ ~ s(cti) + s(mi) + s(rainann) + s(raindq) + s(rugged) + 
             s(soildepth) + s(solrad) + s(tempann) + s(topo) +
             disturb + soilfert + vegsys

tmp <- Sys.time()
gm <- mgcv::gam(formula = as.formula(form), 
                data = training,
                family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                weights = wt,
                method = "REML")
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 1.318069 mins
# check the appropriateness of Ks

Method: REML   Optimizer: outer newton
full convergence after 14 iterations.
Gradient range [-2.758364e-05,3.141404e-06]
(score 188.7573 & scale 1).
Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [7.776258e-06,0.7727162].
Model rank =  92 / 92 

Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.

               k'  edf k-index p-value    
s(cti)       9.00 1.00    0.83   0.245    
s(mi)        9.00 2.07    0.78  <2e-16 ***
s(rainann)   9.00 2.51    0.76  <2e-16 ***
s(raindq)    9.00 3.96    0.82   0.065 .  
s(rugged)    9.00 1.00    0.80  <2e-16 ***
s(soildepth) 9.00 1.00    0.82   0.045 *  
s(solrad)    9.00 1.00    0.83   0.370    
s(tempann)   9.00 1.33    0.81   0.025 *  
s(topo)      9.00 1.00    0.82   0.060 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
plot(gm, pages = 1, rug = TRUE, shade = TRUE)


To fit GLMs, we used forward and backward model selection with options for dropping variables or including them, considering only linear or linear plus quadratic terms. No interaction terms were tested. Selection was based on change in AIC (Hastie et al., 2009).
For this purpose, we use the step.Gam function in gam package. A model scope is needed to determine the possible terms to select from. We restricted the choices to excluding a variable, or fitting linear or quadratic functions.

# loading the packages

# calculating the weights
# the order of weights should be the same as presences and backgrounds in the training data
prNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
bgNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["0"]) # number of backgrounds
wt <- ifelse(training$occ == 1, 1, prNum / bgNum)

# the base glm model with linear terms
lm1 <- glm(occ ~., data = training, weights = wt, family = binomial(link = "logit"))


glm(formula = occ ~ ., family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = training, 
    weights = wt)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-0.62671  -0.18315  -0.05279  -0.01257   2.87070  

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)    0.18367    0.54038   0.340 0.733936    
cti            0.06186    0.17826   0.347 0.728567    
disturb       -0.40902    0.16786  -2.437 0.014822 *  
mi             0.15917    0.36632   0.435 0.663917    
rainann        1.86001    0.35517   5.237 1.63e-07 ***
raindq        -1.25517    0.28189  -4.453 8.48e-06 ***
rugged        -0.55564    0.20841  -2.666 0.007672 ** 
soildepth      0.31337    0.22166   1.414 0.157436    
soilfert      -0.15427    0.15619  -0.988 0.323280    
solrad         0.14789    0.14730   1.004 0.315368    
tempann        0.64806    0.21912   2.958 0.003101 ** 
topo           0.33231    0.15135   2.196 0.028117 *  
vegsys2       -0.84141    0.51099  -1.647 0.099630 .  
vegsys3       -1.61942    0.55960  -2.894 0.003805 ** 
vegsys4      -15.21785  888.05828  -0.017 0.986328    
vegsys5       -1.72746    0.77693  -2.223 0.026185 *  
vegsys6       -0.82025    1.15430  -0.711 0.477330    
vegsys7       -2.71096    0.80901  -3.351 0.000805 ***
vegsys8      -17.60038 1597.10043  -0.011 0.991207    
vegsys9       -5.26220    0.84171  -6.252 4.06e-10 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 873.37  on 10314  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 448.52  on 10295  degrees of freedom
AIC: 235.13

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15
# model scope for subset selection
mod_scope <- list("cti" = ~1 + cti + poly(cti, 2),
                  "disturb" = ~1 + disturb + poly(disturb, 2),
                  "mi" = ~1 + mi + poly(mi, 2),
                  "rainann" = ~1 + rainann + poly(rainann, 2), 
                  "raindq" = ~1 + raindq + poly(raindq, 2), 
                  "rugged" = ~1 + rugged + poly(rugged, 2),
                  "soildepth" = ~1 + soildepth + poly(soildepth, 2),
                  "soilfert" = ~1 + soilfert + poly(soilfert, 2),
                  "solrad" = ~1 + solrad + poly(solrad, 2),
                  "tempann" = ~1 + tempann + poly(tempann, 2),
                  "topo" = ~1 + topo + poly(topo, 2),
                  "vegsys" = ~1 + vegsys)

tmp <- Sys.time()
lm_subset <- step.Gam(object = lm1, 
                      scope = mod_scope, 
                      direction = "both",
                      data = training, # this is optional - see details below
                      trace = FALSE)
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 57.32732 secs

glm(formula = occ ~ poly(disturb, 2) + poly(mi, 2) + poly(rainann, 
    2) + raindq + rugged + vegsys, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
    data = ..1, weights = wt, trace = FALSE)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-0.54153  -0.17830  -0.04768  -0.00912   2.13540  

                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)         -0.8682     0.6372  -1.363 0.173034    
poly(disturb, 2)1  -84.1123    25.1332  -3.347 0.000818 ***
poly(disturb, 2)2  -42.8549    19.8905  -2.155 0.031197 *  
poly(mi, 2)1       -10.0855    62.7815  -0.161 0.872374    
poly(mi, 2)2       -96.0440    41.8100  -2.297 0.021610 *  
poly(rainann, 2)1  337.6355    41.4932   8.137 4.05e-16 ***
poly(rainann, 2)2  -68.1113    18.3056  -3.721 0.000199 ***
raindq              -1.3751     0.2622  -5.244 1.57e-07 ***
rugged              -0.6303     0.1739  -3.625 0.000289 ***
vegsys2             -0.8490     0.5136  -1.653 0.098295 .  
vegsys3             -1.5931     0.5620  -2.835 0.004589 ** 
vegsys4            -13.6715   778.5333  -0.018 0.985989    
vegsys5             -1.0845     0.7076  -1.533 0.125365    
vegsys6             -0.4391     1.1432  -0.384 0.700881    
vegsys7             -2.6227     0.8233  -3.186 0.001444 ** 
vegsys8            -16.7025  1572.9139  -0.011 0.991528    
vegsys9             -4.0533     0.9151  -4.429 9.46e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 873.37  on 10314  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 434.91  on 10298  degrees of freedom
AIC: 221.49

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 15

The data argument in the step.Gam function is optional. There is no option for it in the help file of this function. We found that when the step.Gam is running on a remote computer or when you are calling it by another user-defined function, you might receive an error with no clear explanation. You can fix this by adding the data = training argument.

Regularized regressions: lasso and ridge regression

To fit regularized regression, we used the glmnet package. There are a few parameters in this model that need to be set. The alpha parameter in this model ranges from 0 to 1, where selecting an alpha of 0 leads to ridge regression and 1 to lasso and anything in between is a combination of both called elastic-net. The alpha parameter can be used as a tuning parameter. However, we chose to assess the performance of classic lasso and ridge regression (1 and 0 alpha respectively). The lambda parameter controls regularization – it is the penalty applied to the model’s coefficients. To select the best lambda, internal cross-validation was used (in cv.glmnet function).

Data preparation

Unlike many other packages, glmnet package does not accept the input data as a data.frame and you need to convert the data.frame to a matrix or sparse matrix.

To make the orthogonal quadratic features for glmnet package (see more detail in the supplementary material of Guillera-Arroita et al. 2014), the make_quadratic function in myspatial package is used. The object generated by this function can be used in the generic predict() function to apply the transformation on the training and testing datasets and later used in predicting to rasters. The package myspatial is archived in GitHub and can be installed using the following code. The function is also provided in the supplementary materials.

# installing the package from github
# loading the library

# generating the quadratic terms for all continuous variables
# function to create quadratic terms for lasso and ridge
quad_obj <- make_quadratic(training, cols = covars)
# now we can predict this quadratic object on the training and testing data
# this make two columns for each covariates used in the  transformation
training_quad <- predict(quad_obj, newdata = training)
testing_quad <- predict(quad_obj, newdata = testing_env)

# convert the data.frames to sparse matrices
# select all quadratic (and non-quadratic) columns, except the y (occ)
new_vars <- names(training_quad)[names(training_quad) != "occ"]
training_sparse <- sparse.model.matrix(~. -1, training_quad[, new_vars])
testing_sparse <- sparse.model.matrix( ~. -1, testing_quad[, new_vars])

# calculating the case weights
prNum <- as.numeric(table(training_quad$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
bgNum <- as.numeric(table(training_quad$occ)["0"]) # number of backgrounds
wt <- ifelse(training$occ == 1, 1, prNum / bgNum)

Fitting lasso and ridge

Now, we can fit lasso GLM and ridge regression with glmnet package.

# fitting lasso
tmp <- Sys.time()
lasso <- glmnet(x = training_sparse,
                y = training_quad$occ,
                family = "binomial",
                alpha = 1, # here 1 means fitting lasso 
                weights = wt)
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 1.308999 secs
# plot the regularization path and shrinkage in the coefficients
plot(lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE)

As you can see by changing (log) Lambda the coefficients shrink (the y-axes) and the number of covariates included in the model, decreases (x-axes, top) as the coefficients can be set to zeros in the lasso. To select the best Lambda, cross-validation (CV) is used. The following code shows how to do cross-validation to select this parameter in lasso (and ridge). This is the model object later used for predicting the testing data and on the raster files.

tmp <- Sys.time()
lasso_cv <- cv.glmnet(x = training_sparse,
                      y = training_quad$occ,
                      family = "binomial",
                      alpha = 1, # fitting lasso
                      weights = wt,
                      nfolds = 10) # number of folds for cross-validation
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 13.73014 secs
# the cross-validation result

The two vertical dashed-lines show options for selecting the best Lambda parameter. The left one shows the Lambda that gives the minimum deviance and the right one shows the best Lambda within one standard deviation (1se) of the left dashed-line. One of these need to be selected when predicting with the model. As you can see from the top x-axes, the Lambda with the minimum deviance will select only 26 of the terms (quadratic and categorical covariates) and with the 1se one, 21 of the terms will be used for prediction.

For fitting ridge regression, the same code is used except the alpha parameter is set to 0.

# fitting ridge regression
ridge <- glmnet(x = training_sparse,
                y = training_quad$occ,
                family = "binomial",
                alpha = 0, # here 0 means fitting ridge-regression
                weights = wt)
# plot the regularization path and shrinkage in the coefficients
plot(ridge, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE)

The shrinkage in ridge regression does not lead to removing the coefficients. So, all the variables will stay in the model (x-axes, top). Similar to lasso, a value of Lambda should be selected that gives the lowest error or deviance. This is done with cv.glmnet function again. We do not repeat it here.

Predicting on test data

For predicting with ridge or lasso, you only need their cv.glmnet objects. A value of Lambda must be selected by the s argument. You should either select the minimum CV deviance (left dashed-line in the cv.glmnet plot) or the one-standard-deviation (right dashed-line) by setting the s = "lambda.min" or s = "lambda.1se" respectively. We used the minimum CV deviance for our analysis, although the package authors recommended to used one-standard-deviation.

# predicting with lasso model
lasso_pred <- predict(lasso_cv, testing_sparse, type = "response", s = "lambda.min")
1  0.8076853
2  0.8095829
3  0.9305091
4  0.9161369
5  0.9758157
6  0.9669616


To fit MARS models, we used the earth package. The parameter tuning for this model was done through the caret package. There are two tuning parameters in MARS, interaction level and n prone (the maximum number of model terms). We chose the MARS model with no interaction as it showed by Elith 2006 the interaction terms decrease the accuracy of the model. So, we only tune the nrpone parameter. Parallel processing is used to make the model tuning process faster.


# change the response to factor variables with non-numeric levels
training$occ <- as.factor(training$occ)
levels(training$occ) <- c("C0", "C1")

mytuneGrid <- expand.grid(nprune = 2:20,
                          degree = 1) # no interaction

mytrControl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                            number = 5, # 5-fold cross-validation
                            classProbs = TRUE,
                            summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
                            allowParallel = TRUE)

tmp <- Sys.time()

cluster <- makeCluster(6) # you can use all cores of your machine instead e.g. 8
mars_fit <- train(form = occ ~ ., 
                  data = training, 
                  method = "earth",
                  metric = "ROC",
                  trControl = mytrControl,
                  tuneGrid = mytuneGrid,
                  thresh = 0.00001)

Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 1.046002 mins

MaxEnt and MaxNet

The MaxEnt model is fitted with dismo package. There are two implementations of the MaxEnt model in the paper, MaxEnt and MaxEnt tuned. The latter was tested because some studies showed that MaxEnt can perform better when its regularization multiplier and feature classes (i.e., L, Q, H and P for linear, quadratic, hinge and product, respectively) is tuned (e.g. see Muscarella et al., 2014; Radosavljevic & Anderson, 2014). These parameters can control the complexity or generality of the model. The default value of regularization multiplier is 1 and the lower the value, the more complex model can be fitted (Elith et al., 2011). Feature types are selected based on the number of presence records by default (see Elith et al., 2011). We simultaneously tuned regularization multiplier and feature classes using a 5-fold cross-validation (CV) on presence-background training data. We used five different regularization multipliers (0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4) in combination with different features (L, LQ, H, LQH, LQHP) to find the best parameters that maximizes the average \(AUC_{ROC}\) in CV. We used stratified CV to have equal number of background and presences in the CV folds. You can use

There are some packages that tune MaxEnt. However, we wrote the following code to do that.

# function for simultaneous tuning of maxent regularization multiplier and features
maxent_param <- function(data, y = "occ", k = 5, folds = NULL, filepath){
    # generate balanced CV folds
    folds <- caret::createFolds(y = as.factor(data$occ), k = k)
  names(data)[which(names(data) == y)] <- "occ"
  covars <- names(data)[which(names(data) != y)]
  # regularization multipliers
  ms <- c(0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4)
  grid <- expand.grid(
    regmult = paste0("betamultiplier=", ms),
    features = list(
      c("noautofeature", "nothreshold"), # LQHP
      c("noautofeature", "nothreshold", "noproduct"), # LQH
      c("noautofeature", "nothreshold", "nohinge", "noproduct"), # LQ
      c("noautofeature", "nothreshold", "nolinear", "noquadratic", "noproduct"), # H
      c("noautofeature", "nothreshold", "noquadratic", "nohinge", "noproduct")), # L
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  AUCs <- c()
  for(n in seq_along(grid[,1])){
    full_pred <- data.frame()
    for(i in seq_len(length(folds))){
      trainSet <- unlist(folds[-i])
      testSet <- unlist(folds[i])
        maxmod <- dismo::maxent(x = data[trainSet, covars],
                                p = data$occ[trainSet],
                                removeDuplicates = FALSE,
                                path = filepath,
                                args = as.character(unlist(grid[n, ]))
      ), "try-error")){
      modpred <- predict(maxmod, data[testSet, covars], args = "outputformat=cloglog")
      pred_df <- data.frame(score = modpred, label = data$occ[testSet])
      full_pred <- rbind(full_pred, pred_df)
    AUCs[n] <- precrec::auc(precrec::evalmod(scores = full_pred$score, 
                                             labels = full_pred$label))[1,4]
  best_param <- as.character(unlist(grid[which.max(AUCs), ]))

Now, we use the function to tune MaxEnt.

# load the package

# number of folds
nfolds <- ifelse(sum(training$occ) < 10, 2, 5)

tmp <- Sys.time()
# tune maxent parameters
param_optim <- maxent_param(data = training, 
                            k = nfolds,
                            filepath = "output/maxent_files")
# fit a maxent model with the tuned parameters
maxmod <- dismo::maxent(x = training[, covars],
                        p = training$occ,
                        removeDuplicates = FALSE,
                        path = "output/maxent_files",
                        args = param_optim)
Sys.time() - tmp

Fitting MaxNet is very similar to the MaxEnt model. For MaxNet, we kept the default parameters.


presences <- training$occ # presence (1s) and background (0s) points
covariates <- training[, 2:ncol(training)] # predictor covariates

tmp <- Sys.time()
mxnet <- maxnet::maxnet(p = presences, 
                        data = covariates, 
                        regmult = 1, # regularization multiplier
                        maxnet.formula(presences, covariates, classes = "default"))
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 52.7559 secs
# predicting with MaxNet
maxnet_pred <- predict(mxnet, testing_env, type = c("cloglog"))
1 0.7315169
2 0.6523314
3 0.8965892
4 0.8785389
5 0.9935542
6 0.9945552


Boosted regression trees (BRT) or Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) applies a boosting algorithm to decision trees. We fit the BRT model with a forward stepwise cross-validation approach (Elith et al., 2008) implemented in the dismo package. BRT has a stagewise procedure, meaning that every tree is built on the residual of the previously fitted trees. For model tuning, in each round (stage) of model fitting, a specified number of trees (here n.trees = 50) are added to the previously grown trees and, as the ensemble grows, k-fold cross-validation (here, n.folds = 5) is used to estimate the optimal number of trees while keeping the other parameters constant. Other settings were selected according to the recommendations in the literature (see Elith et al., 2008); we aimed to fit final models with at least 1000 trees, but did not specifically test / iterate for that.


# calculating the case weights
prNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
bgNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["0"]) # number of backgrounds
wt <- ifelse(training$occ == 1, 1, prNum / bgNum)

tmp <- Sys.time()
brt <- gbm.step(data = training,
                gbm.x = 2:ncol(training), # column indices for covariates
                gbm.y = 1, # column index for response
                family = "bernoulli", 
                tree.complexity = ifelse(prNum < 50, 1, 5), 
                learning.rate = 0.001,
                bag.fraction = 0.75,
                max.trees = 10000,
                n.trees = 50, 
                n.folds = 5, # 5-fold cross-validation
                site.weights = wt,
                silent = TRUE) # avoid printing the cv results
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 8.095294 mins

The vertical green line shows the best number of trees, where the holdout deviance converges (the horizontal red line).

# the optimal number of trees
[1] 5050
# predicting with the best trees
brt_pred <- predict(brt, testing_env, n.trees = brt$$best.trees, type = "response")
[1] 0.8931857 0.8908768 0.8874179 0.8697575 0.9221985 0.9200913


We fitted the XGBoost model with XGBoost and caret packages. XGBoost has many parameters that need model tuning (see Muñoz-Mas, R., et al., 2019 for more details and the ranges of suitable values for model tuning). Due to computational limitations, we set all the parameters the same as selected for BRT and only tuned the nround parameter (the number of fitted trees). We also add an extra source of variability (compared to BRT) in the trees fitting by only using 80% of the covariates in building each tree. This is done by colsample_bytree argument.

You can tune all the parameters in a grid search hyper-parameter tuning. In this way, the models are run with all combination of the parameters. This may take a very long time depending on your data and your machine. Parallel processing can be used to speed up the computation. We also tried to tune XGBoost using random search tuning with 50 & 500 tune length. The result was not better than the default parameters.

# loading required libraries
library(xgboost) # just to make sure this is installed

# change the response to factor variables with non-numeric levels
training$occ <- as.factor(training$occ)
levels(training$occ) <- c("C0", "C1") # caret does not accept 0 and 1 as factor levels

# train control for cross-validation for model tuning
mytrControl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                            number = 5, # 5 fold cross-validation
                            summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
                            classProbs = TRUE,
                            allowParallel = TRUE)

# setting the range of parameters for grid search tuning
# in this setting, all the hyper-parameters are constant except nrounds
mytuneGrid <- expand.grid(
  nrounds = seq(from = 500, to = 15000, by = 500),
  eta = 0.001,
  max_depth = 5,
  subsample = 0.75,
  gamma = 0,
  colsample_bytree = 0.8,
  min_child_weight = 1

tmp <- Sys.time()

cluster <- makeCluster(6) # you can use all cores of your machine instead e.g. 8

xgb_fit <- train(form = occ ~ ., 
                 data = training, 
                 method = "xgbTree",
                 metric = "ROC",
                 trControl = mytrControl,
                 tuneGrid = mytuneGrid,
                 verbose = TRUE)


Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 8.504614 mins
   nrounds max_depth   eta gamma colsample_bytree min_child_weight
21   10500         5 0.001     0              0.8                1
21      0.75

Model tuning for the same species with 50,000 background points took around 1 hour, although we only have one parameter to tune (nrounds).


The party package was used fotr fitting cforest models (and cforest weighted). The cforest algorithm is designed for revealing the most important variables. This needs relatively high mtry (the number of random variables that can be selected on each split) to give enough opportunity for variables to be selected on each split (the default is mtry = 5). However, high mtry makes more similar trees leading to higher variance in the RF model. As our purpose is higher accuracy of prediction rather than variable importance, we used lower mtry (sqrt of the number of predictors, similar to randomForest default) to achieve higher prediction accuracy. Other mtry values can be tested to improve the accuracy.


# convert the response to factor for producing class probabilities
training$occ <- as.factor(training$occ)

# the number of predictors and mtry
nvars <- ncol(training) - 1 # excluding the response
mtry <-  round(sqrt(nvars))

# calculate weights for each class
prNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
bgNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["0"]) # number of backgrounds
wt <- ifelse(training$occ == 1, 1, prNum / bgNum)

tmp <- Sys.time()
cfparty <- cforest(formula = occ ~., 
                   data = training,
                   weights = wt,
                   controls = cforest_unbiased(ntree = 500, 
                                               mtry = mtry))
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 4.757373 mins

The process of fitting unbiased trees is costly and as a result creating ensembles of many ctrees in cforest is computationally extensive. This is also true when the fitted model is used to predict new data. It almost takes the same time as the model fitting process.

# predict with cforest
cfpred <- predict(cfparty, newdata = testing_env, type = "prob", OOB = TRUE)

RF and RF down-sampled

To fit Random Forest (RF) models and RF with down-sampling (Valavi et al. 2021), the randomForest package was used. RF can be run either in regression or classification. With binary data, classification is commonly used. To use the RF with classification, the response should be converted to factors. We used the default mtry parameter for both RF and RF down-sampled. We used higher number of bootstrap samples (iterations = final number of trees in the model; the default = 500) for RF down-sampled. For predicting continuous values rather than classes, use type = "prob". For presence-background data the output will be the relative likelihood of both classes (0 and 1).

# loading the package

# convert the response to factor for producing class relative likelihood
training$occ <- as.factor(training$occ)

tmp <- Sys.time()
rf <- randomForest(formula = occ ~.,
                   data = training,
                   ntree = 500) # the default number of trees
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 10.43923 secs
# predict with RF and RF down-sampled
rfpred <- predict(rf, testing_env, type = "prob")
      0     1
1 0.290 0.710
2 0.404 0.596
3 0.916 0.084
4 0.866 0.134
5 0.606 0.394
6 0.398 0.602
plot(rf, main = "RF")

For down-sampling, the number of background (0s) in each bootstrap sample should the same as presences (1s). For this, we use sampsize argument to do this.

prNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
# the sample size in each class; the same as presence number
smpsize <- c("0" = prNum, "1" = prNum)

tmp <- Sys.time()
rf_downsample <- randomForest(formula = occ ~., 
                              data = training, 
                              ntree = 1000, 
                              sampsize = smpsize,
                              replace = TRUE)
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 3.400117 secs
plot(rf_downsample, main = "RF down-sampled")


There are two packages to fit SVM with, e1071 and kernlab. We used the e1071 for our study, but the kernlab is easier when you want to predict to rasters. Their results are quite similar.

Similar to randomForest, the e1071::svm accepts class weights rather than case weights. We used class weights (1 and the ratio of presence/background for presences and backgrounds, respectively) to increase the cost of miss-classification rate on the presence points rather than the background. Parameters c and gamma are two tuning parameters that can further improve the model’s performance. Due to computation limits, we chose to not tune them in our study. For more detail about how to tune them see James et al., (2013) pages 363-364.


# change the response to factor
training$occ <- as.factor(training$occ)

# calculate weights the class weight
prNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["1"]) # number of presences
bgNum <- as.numeric(table(training$occ)["0"]) # number of backgrounds
cwt <- c("0" = prNum / bgNum, "1" = 1)

tmp <- Sys.time()
svm_e <- e1071::svm(formula = occ ~ .,
                    data = training,
                    kernel = "radial",
                    class.weights = cwt,
                    probability = TRUE)
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 36.43853 secs
# predicting on test data
svm_pred <- predict(svm_e, testing_env, probability = TRUE)
svm_prob <- attr(svm_pred, "probabilities")[,"1"]

# see the first few predictions
        1         2         3         4         5         6 
0.1304283 0.1465849 0.1706320 0.1032008 0.2616781 0.1783190 


biomod is a package specifically written for modeling species distributions in R (Thuiller et al., 2009), allowing ensembles across several modeling methods. Many users apply this model with default parameters (Hao et al. 2019). You can change the parameters of each model separately by BIOMOD_ModelingOptions() function.

To avoid GAM models producing errors when a term has fewer unique covariate combinations than the default maximum degrees of freedom (K), we used our own formula for GAM (myFormula = as.formula(form) see GAM section). This (and the other methods) were otherwise fitted with the default parameters to test common usage of biomod. We needed to specify that maxent use all 50,000 background points (maximumbackground = 50000), so it used all provided data (see below; we used 10,000 in this example).

For creating biomodDataFormat the x and y spatial coordinates are required. So, we need to reload the species data as we filtered out the coordinates for the other models. Here we used the data.frame of the training set, although biomod2 allows for raster files as an input and can select the background sample for you. To have a fair comparison with the other models, we used the same set of 50,000 background samples (10,000 in this example).


# specifying the species id
spID <- "nsw14"

# re-loading the species data 
pr <- disPo("NSW")
bg <- disBg("NSW")
pr <- pr[pr$spid == spID, ] # subset the target species 
training <- rbind(pr, bg)
training$vegsys <- as.factor(training$vegsys)

myRespName <- "occ"
myResp <- as.numeric(training[, myRespName])
myResp[which(myResp == 0)] <- NA
myExpl <- data.frame(training[, covars])
myRespXY <- training[, c("x", "y")]

# create biomod data format
myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp,
                                     expl.var = myExpl,
                            = myRespName,
                                     resp.xy = myRespXY,
                                     PA.nb.absences = 10000,
                                     PA.strategy = 'random',
                                     na.rm = TRUE)

# using the default options
# you can change the mentioned parameters by changes this
myBiomodOption <- BIOMOD_ModelingOptions()

# models to predict with
mymodels <- c("GLM","GBM","GAM","CTA","ANN","FDA","MARS","RF","MAXENT.Phillips")

# model fitting
tmp <- Sys.time()
myBiomodModelOut <- BIOMOD_Modeling(myBiomodData,
                                    models = mymodels,
                                    models.options = myBiomodOption,
                                    NbRunEval = 1, 
                                    DataSplit = 100, # use all the data for training
                                    models.eval.meth = c("ROC"), 
                                    SaveObj = TRUE,
                                    rescal.all.models = FALSE,
                                    do.full.models = TRUE,
                           = paste(myRespName,"NCEAS_Modeling", sep = ""))
# ensemble modeling using mean probability
myBiomodEM <- BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling(modeling.output = myBiomodModelOut,
                                      chosen.models = 'all',
                             = 'all',
                                      eval.metric = c("ROC"),
                                      eval.metric.quality.threshold = NULL, # since some species's auc are naturally low
                                      prob.mean = TRUE,
                             = FALSE,
                             = FALSE,
                                      prob.median = FALSE,
                                      committee.averaging = FALSE,
                                      prob.mean.weight = FALSE)
Sys.time() - tmp
Time difference of 4.412951 mins
# project single models
myBiomodProj <- BIOMOD_Projection(modeling.output = myBiomodModelOut,
                                  new.env =[, covars]),
                         = "nceas_modeling",
                                  selected.models = "all",
                                  binary.meth = "ROC",
                                  compress = TRUE,
                                  clamping.mask = TRUE)

# project ensemble of all models
myBiomodEnProj <- BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting(projection.output = myBiomodProj,
                                             EM.output = myBiomodEM,
                                             selected.models = "all")
# extracting the values for ensemble prediction
myEnProjDF <-

# see the first few pridictions
# the prediction scale of biomod is between 0 and 1000
1                                             234
2                                             234
3                                             234
4                                             234
5                                             234
6                                             234

Generating ROC and Precision-Recall Gain (PRG) curves

To plot and calculate the area under the ROC and PR curves automatically, the precrec package can be used. Here, we show the performance of the RF down-sampled on our test dataset. You need the relative likelihood predicted on the test data by a model, and the corresponding value of presence/absence (0 for absences and 1 for presences) to calculate the ROC and PR curves.

# laod the packages
library(ggplot2) # for plotting the curves

# predict RF down-sample on the test data
prediction <- predict(rf_downsample, testing_env, type = "prob")[, "1"]

# calculate area under the ROC and PR curves
precrec_obj <- evalmod(scores = prediction, labels = testing_pa[,spID])

    === AUCs ===

     Model name Dataset ID Curve type       AUC
   1         m1          1        ROC 0.6612094
   2         m1          1        PRC 0.3407269

    === Input data ===

     Model name Dataset ID # of negatives # of positives
   1         m1          1            541            161
# plot the ROC and PR curves

For calculating the Precision-Recall Gain curve (Flach & Kull, 2015), the prg package is used. This package is available here:

# install the prg package
# devtools::install_github("meeliskull/prg/R_package/prg")

# calculate the PRG curve for RF down-sampled
prg_curve <- create_prg_curve(labels = testing_pa[,spID], pos_scores = prediction)
# calculate area under the PRG cure
au_prg <- calc_auprg(prg_curve)
[1] 0.3970376
# plot the PRG curve

Making prediction maps

Here we demonstrate how to predict the fitted models on rasters with the raster package. Most of the models can predict to rasters with generic predict() function in the raster package. However, the prediction of some models is not very straight forward. We provide code in myspatial package for predicting glmnet and svm models. These codes are also provided in the supplementary materials. The predict_glmnet_raster() and predict_svm_raster() functions are used for predicting with cv.glmnet object and SVM from the e1071 package. See the examples section in the help file for the predict function in the raster package to see how to predict the model fitted with cforest on rasters (use ?raster::predict).

The rasters should be loaded first, then they should be normalized in the same way the training data was normalized. The mean and standard deviation of the training data should be used for normalising the rasters as well. The raster covariates for all the regions are provided in Elith et al., (2020).

# laod the packages

# load the raster files
li <- list.files("data/grids", pattern = ".tif$", full.names = TRUE)
r <- stack(li)

# the rasters should be normalized with the mean and sd of the training data
# re-loading the training data to get the mean and standard deviation
pr <- disPo("NSW")
bg <- disBg("NSW")
pr <- pr[pr$spid == spID, ] # subset the target species 
training <- rbind(pr, bg)

# normalize the covariates (exept vegsys which is categorical)
normr <- stack()
for(v in covars[covars!="vegsys"]){
  meanv <- mean(training[,v])
  sdv <- sd(training[,v])
  normr <- stack(normr, (r[[v]] - meanv) / sdv)
# add the categorical covariates
normr <- stack(normr, r[["vegsys"]])

# providing the factor covariates for prediction
facts <- list(vegsys = levels(as.factor(training$vegsys)))

# predicting RF down-sampled on rasters with raster package
# use index = 2 for the likelihood of presence (1s)
rf_map <- predict(object = normr, 
                  model = rf_downsample, 
                  type = "prob",
                  index = 2, 
                  factors = facts)
# predicting glment on rasters with myspatial package
lasso_map <- predict_glmnet_raster(r = normr, 
                                   model = lasso_cv, # the lasso cv object
                                   quadraticObj = quad_obj, # make_quadratic object
                                   type = "response", 
                                   slambda = "lambda.min",
                                   factors = facts)
Preparation is done... 
# plot the result
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(rf_map, zlim = c(0,1), main = "RF down-sampled")
plot(lasso_map, zlim = c(0,1), main = "Lasso GLM")


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Valavi, et al., "Predictive performance of presence-only species distribution models: a benchmark study with reproducible code. Ecological Monographs.", Ecological Monographs, 2021

BibTeX citation

  author = {Valavi, Roozbeh and Guillera-Arroita, Gurutzeta and Lahoz-Monfort, José J. and Elith, Jane},
  title = {Predictive performance of presence-only species distribution models: a benchmark study with reproducible code. Ecological Monographs.},
  journal = {Ecological Monographs},
  year = {2021},
  doi = {10.1002/ecm.1486}