Flexible species distribution modelling methods perform well on spatially separated testing data. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Appendix S1

Roozbeh Valavi https://github.com/rvalavi (The University of Melbourne, Australia)https://ecosystemforest.unimelb.edu.au/ , Jane Elith (The University of Melbourne, Australia)https://ecosystemforest.unimelb.edu.au/ , José J. Lahoz-Monfort (Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain)http://www.ipe.csic.es/conservacion-bio/ , Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita (Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain)http://www.ipe.csic.es/conservacion-bio/

Appendix S1 for Valavi, R., Elith, J., Lahoz-Monfort, J. J., & Guillera-Arroita, G. (2023). Flexible species distribution modelling methods perform well on spatially separated testing data. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 369–383. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13639

1- Covariates and TGB samples

To model the presence-only data with background samples and deal with biases in these data, we used Target-Group-Background (TGB) samples introduced by Phillips et al. (2009). TGB provide a background sample with similar biases to that of the presence records. For each species, a background sample is generated by collating all presence records from the same biological group and region (including the target species), with minor adjustments to avoid multiple records per grid cell. For details see Phillips et al. (2009) and for code see Elith et al. (2020).

Table 1 to 6 below show the environmental covariates used in each region. These are the variables that do not have a pairwise correlation of more than 0.8. You can find a complete list of variables with more details in Elith et al. (2020), and in the help of the disdat R package.

Table 1: Environmental vartiables for AWT region (~80m spatial resolution).
Code Description Units Type
bc04 Temperature seasonality NA Continuous
bc05 Max. temperature of warmest period ˚C Continuous
bc06 Min. temperature of coldest period. ˚C Continuous
bc12 Annual precipitation mm Continuous
bc15 Precipitation seasonality NA Continuous
slope Mean slope (derived from 9 second spatial resolution elevation data) percent Continuous
topo Topographic position NA Continuous
tri Terrain ruggedness index NA Continuous
Table 2: Environmental vartiables for CAN region (~1000m spatial resolution).
Code Description Units Type
alt Digital elevation m Continuous
asp2 Aspect – ranges from -1 to 1 (sin transformation) number (dimensionless unit) Continuous
ontprec Annual Precipitation mm Continuous
ontslp Slope degrees Continuous
onttemp Annual mean temperature ˚C * 10 Continuous
ontveg Vegetation, from Ontario Land Cover Database (OLC) vegetation map, derived from a mosaic of Landsat images. number (dimensionless unit) Categorical
watdist Distance from Hudson Bay m Continuous
Table 3: Environmental vartiables for NSW region (~100m spatial resolution).
Code Description Units Type
cti compound topographic index- a quantification of the position of a site in the local landscape number (dimensionless index) Continous
disturb disturbance (clearing, logging etc) number (ordinal) Continous
mi moisture index. number (dimensionless index) Continous
rainann mean annual rainfall Mm Continous
raindq mean rainfall of the driest quarter Mm Continous
rugged ruggedness number (dimensionless index) Continous
soildepth mean soil depth m *1000 Continous
soilfert soil fertility number (ordinal) Continous
solrad annual mean solar radiation MJm-2 day-1 * 10 Continous
tempann annual mean temperature °C * 10 Continous
topo topographic position m Continous
Table 4: Environmental vartiables for NZ region (~100m spatial resolution).
Code Description Units Type
age soil parent material: age since last major rejuvenation number (category) Categorical
deficit mean October vapor pressure deficit at 0900 hours kPa Continous
hillshade surrogate for slope and aspect number (dimensionless index) Continous
mas mean annual solar radiation MJm^-2 day^-1 * 100 Continous
mat mean annual temperature °C * 10 Continous
r2pet average monthly ratio of potential evapotranspiration number (dimensionless index) Continous
slope slope degrees Continous
sseas solar radiation seasonality number (dimensionless index) Continous
toxicats toxic cations in soil number (category) Categorical
tseas temperature seasonality number (dimensionless index) Continous
vpd annual vapor pressure deficit kPa Continous
Table 5: Environmental vartiables for SA region (~1000m spatial resolution).
Code Description Units Type
sabio2 mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) ˚C*10 Continous
sabio4 temperature seasonality (standard deviation *100) number (dimensionless index) Continous
sabio5 max temperature of warmest month ˚C*10 Continous
sabio6 min temperature of coldest month ˚C*10 Continous
sabio12 annual precipitation mm Continous
sabio15 precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) number (dimensionless index) Continous
sabio17 precipitation of driest quarter mm Continous
sabio18 precipitation of warmest quarter mm Continous
Table 6: Environmental vartiables for SWI region (~100m spatial resolution).
Code Description Units Type
BCC broadleaved continuous cover % cover Continous
CALC bedrock strictly calcareous vs other type 1 (present) or 0 (absent) Categorical
CCC coniferous continuous cover % cover Continous
DDEG growing degree-days above the threshold of 0°C °C * days Continous
NUTRI soil nutrients index D mval/cm2 Continous
PDAY number of days with rainfall > 1 mm ndays Continous
PRECYY average yearly precipitation sum mm Continous
SFROYY summer frost frequency – number of days days Continous
SLOPE slope degrees x 10 Continous
SRADYY potential yearly global radiation (daily average) kJm-2day-1  Continous
SWB site water balance mm Continous
TOPO topographic position number (dimensionless index) Continous

2- Code and data availability

You can find species data in disdat R package, with the rasters available on OSF (Elith et al., 2020). To run the models, you can use the codes and data provide in OSF repository.

To reproduce our results, you can use any of the following (details below):

2.1- Using renv package recovery

First, create a new RStudio project and place the renv.lock file in it. Use the commands below to restore the R package for modelling.




You need to install a few other packages that are not listed in renv file.



remotes::install_version('gam', version = '1.20', repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')
remotes::install_version('gbm', version = '2.1.5', repos = 'http://cran.us.r-project.org')

2.2- Using Docker containers

Here we explain how to use Dockers for creating a virtual system to reproduce our results. Docker can be installed on different platforms. You can find the instructions for installing Docker on different operating systems on their website. Docker provides an RStudio installed and all the R and system packages required for running our analysis.

To use Docker, you can either A) load the pre-built image (recommended), or B) build a new image from Dockerfile.

A) To load the Docker image, first download the files from OSF, then use:

docker load --input rvalavi_image.tar

B) If you want to build the image in your local system, you need to download all the files in OSF (except “docker” folder). Then run the following terminal commands. In Linux systems you might need to use sudo before docker commands.

Go to the directory of downloaded files from the OSF within terminal and run:

docker build -t rvalavi:4.0 .

Wait until the build is complete. Then check to see the images is created.

docker images

You should see rvalavi with TAG 4.0 listed as a Docker image.

After the image is loaded (A) or created (B), you need to run a container to get access to RStudio and the R packages. The Docker container is a live instance of the image. Use the following command to run a container to access RStudio.

docker run --name rstudio -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=123 -d rvalavi:4.0

This code has several components:
--name: name of the container
-p: port on which container is running. We use this to connect to rstudio
-e PASSWORD: password for the rstudio server (you can choose any password)
-v: mapping a directory in the local system to a directory in the container (this was not used in the code above). This will allow you to save the generated files and code in local drive and also access to code/data inside your system.
-d: run the container in the background
rvalavi:4.0: name and tag of the Docker image

Now, run RStudio server from container. Open an Internet browser and go to localhost:8787 to open RStudio. Use “rstudio” as username and the password you specified in the previous step (here password is “123”) to open RStudio.

You can run the models by running the R/nceas_modelling.R script. The model predictions will be stored in output/nceas_model_output folder. To calculate evaluations, run R/nceas_evaluation.R script.

3- Modelling methods parameters

A summary of model implementation settings are presented in Table 7, below. The “parameters” column shows model arguments in R programming that are selected in the modelling process. The “values” column shows the value or ranges of values selected for model fitting and tuning for each R function. All models are fitted in R v4.0.0.

Some methods accept weights. GAM, GLMs, and BRT use case weights (i.e., there is a weight for each training sample), and SVM utilizes class weights (i.e., there is a weight for each class; here presence and background samples are the two classes so there are only two weights). The weights are generated by giving a weight of 1 to every presence point and giving the weights to the background in a way that the sum of the weights for the presence and background are equal. For class weights in SVM, an inverse proportional weight was used.

Table 7: Parameters used for implementing different modes.
Method Parameter Values Description R.packages
GAM method REML smoothing parameter estimation method mgcv v1.8-32
k 10 the number of basis functions (for creating smoothing terms) specifies the possible maximum effective degree of freedom
GLM-step * direction both step-selection direction (forward & backward) based on AIC gam v1.20
GLM-lasso * alpha 1 lasso penalty glmnet v4.0-2
MARS nprune 2 to 20 number of terms earth v5.1.2
degree 1 degree of interaction (1 means no interaction allowed)
MaxEnt (default) args nothreshold auto select feature and exclude threshold feature dismo v1.1-4 and maxent.jar v3.4.4
betamultiplier 1 regularisation multiplier
BRT tree.complexity  1 or 5 depth of individual trees - two options depending on sample size dismo v1.1-4 and gbm v2.1.5
learning.rate 0.001 shrinkage or the weight applied to individual trees
bag.fraction 0.75 proportion of observations sampled to train each tree
n.folds  5 number of cross-validation folds
RF-shallow mtry sqrt(p) number of variables randomly selected at each split ranger v0.12.1
num.trees 2000 number of trees
splitrule "hellinger" tree splitting criterion
max.depth 2 maximum depth of each tree (forcing shallow trees)
probability TRUE fitting probability trees
RF down-sampled mtry sqrt(p) number of variables randomly selected at each split randomForest v4.6-14
  1. presences
number of bootstrap samples taken from each class
ntrees 1000 number of trees
SVM kernel radial radial basis kernel e1071 v1.7-3
Ensemble Rescale and average of individual modes implemented here: GAM, GLM-lasso, MaxEnt, BRT and RF down-sampled

* GLM-step and GLM-lasso were fitted allowing linear and quadratic terms only, with no interactions.

Parameters of MaxEnt variants are presented in the following table.

Table 8: Parameters of MaxEnt model in different MaxEnt variants.
Method Parameter Values Description
MaxEnt (default) betamultiplier 1 regularization multiplier
args nothreshold auto select feature and exclude threshold feature
MaxEnt noclamp the same as MaxEnt (default) with clammping set to off for prediction
MaxEnt LQ betamultiplier 1 regularization multiplier
feature types LQ transformations of input covariates. L: linear, Q: quadratic
MaxEnt tuned and spatial-tuned betamultiplier 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 regularization multiplier
feature types L, LQ, H, LQH, LQHP transformations of input covariates. L: linear, Q: quadratic, H: hinge, P: product

4- Evaluation metrics

We used \(AUC_{ROC}\), \(AUC_{PRG}\) and COR for evaluating the models. \(AUC_{ROC}\) measures how well a model discriminates between presence and absence records in the test dataset. It can range from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating a model has perfect discrimination abilities and 0.5 showing discrimination is equivalent to that from random predictions (Pearce & Ferrier, 2000; Elith et al., 2006). \(AUC_{PRG}\) is similar to \(AUC_{ROC}\), but less commonly used in ecology. It puts more focus on correctly predicted presences (Flach & Kull, 2015). An \(AUC_{PRG}\) value of 1 shows perfect discrimination, 0 indicates random discrimination and negative denotes worse than random. Since there is no lower limit for negative values in \(AUC_{PRG}\), we only estimated ranks, not mean performance, for this metric. COR is the correlation between model predictions and the presence-absence testing data (Elith et al., 2006).

5- Dispersion of \(AUC_{ROC}\)

To further highlight the difference between the performance of models (dispersion of validation metrics), we calculated, for each species, the difference between the \(AUC_{ROC}\) of each method and the average \(AUC_{ROC}\) of all modelling methods for that species (Figure 1). Values higher than zero indicate \(AUC_{ROC}\) higher than average.

Difference from average $AUC_{ROC}$.

Figure 1: Difference from average \(AUC_{ROC}\).

6- Top rank methods in different evaluations

In the main text, the mean performance and the average rank of performance metrics (i.e., \(AUC_{ROC}\), \(AUC_{PRG}\), and COR) were used to assess and compare models. However, this approach does not show how frequently a method was the top method or whether it was among the top 2 or 3 methods. Here we calculated the percentage of species (171 species in our study) for which a method was in the top 1, top 2, or top 3 methods (Figure 2 and 3). For example, for \(AUC_{ROC}\) and random partitioning (Figure 2), the Ensemble was within the top 3 methods for 63.7% of the species.

Notice that all methods performed the best (top 1) for at least a few species in both random and spatial partitioning. A noticeable result here is that while some methods like GLM-step, MARS, or RF-shallow are average performers overall, they may be top methods more frequently than better average performers (for example, GLM-step vs BRT in the top 1 methods for random partitioning; or RF-shallow vs RF down-sample or MaxEnt in top 1 method for spatial partitioning).

Another highlight is that although the Ensemble was not the top performer for many species, it was among the top 3 methods for more than half of them in both partitioning strategies (Figure 2 and 3).

Top rank methods in random partitioning.

Figure 2: Top rank methods in random partitioning.

Top rank methods in spatial partitioning

Figure 3: Top rank methods in spatial partitioning

An interesting result is that although Ensemble is the most frequent top performer in terms of \(AUC_{ROC}\) and \(AUC_{PRG}\) when predicting spatially separated testing data, and second best in terms of COR in spatial partitioning. Under random partitioning, Ensemble was the second or third best average performer. We explored further how Ensemble is performing compared to its component models in the following section.

7- Rank of the Ensemble vs its components

Here we calculated the same plots but only for the Ensemble and its component models i.e, GLM-lasso, GAM, MaxEnt (default), BRT, and RF down-sample (Figure 4). The Ensemble appeared in the top 2 and 3 models for more species than its component in both random and spatial partitioning. For top 1 methods, it was only best for \(AUC_{ROC}\) (along with RF down-sample) in random partitioning, but the best for both AUCs and the second-best for COR in spatial partitioning. The fact that Ensemble appears better than its component in spatial partitioning may be evidence that ensembling of tuned models can lead to better generalisation.

Top rank methods among Ensemble and its components.

Figure 4: Top rank methods among Ensemble and its components.

To assess whether the Ensemble improves with respect to the best method in the set or not, we further explored (Figure 5) and realised that in all cases of “Top 1”, Ensemble actually somewhat outperformed its component (rather than being just as good as the best of its components). This could be an indication that the ensemble gains by combining “complementary” predictions.

The differnce between $AUC_{ROC}$ of Ensemble and $AUC_{ROC}$ of the best component method.

Figure 5: The differnce between \(AUC_{ROC}\) of Ensemble and \(AUC_{ROC}\) of the best component method.

8- Interactions in BRT and MaxEnt

To assess the impacts of interactions in flexible methods, we compared two of our top methods, BRT and MaxEnt, with and without interactions (Figure 6). We implemented a BRT model with a set tree-complexity of 1 also known as stump. The main difference between the BRT-stump and the default BRT (with tree-complexity 1 or 5) is that the default BRT is allowed to fit a higher level of interaction between the covariates if there are more than 50 species records in the training data (57% of cases). The implemented BRT method (Elith et al. 2008) utilized internal cross-validation to find the best number of trees for the model. Thus, by limiting tree-complexity to 1, the model adds more trees to find a similar balance in the fitted model as the BRT with tree-complexity 5.

MaxEnt is also presented as two variants here, the MaxEnt with enforced LQ features and one with enforced LQP features. The main difference between these two is that MaxEnt-LQP accommodates interaction as the product of the linear features.

The main BRT was modelled with a tree-complexity of 1 (stump) for 43% of the times.

Perfromance of implementation of BRT and MaxEnt with forced limited flexibility.

Figure 6: Perfromance of implementation of BRT and MaxEnt with forced limited flexibility.

There is a small and non significant difference between the average performance of the BRT vs BRT-stump and between MaxEnt-LQP vs MaxEnt-LQ. The MaxEnt-LQP had a lower mean \(AUC_{ROC}\) and COR in both partitioning methods which could be because enforced interaction in the model is too complex for some species with a very low number of presence records. On the other hand, BRT performed better than BRT-stump, implying that the additional flexibility of interactions is beneficial.

9- Extrapolation in testing blocks

It is useful to know whether extrapolation occurs when models are used to predict to spatially separated points. Extrapolation occurs when the testing/predicting sites have environmental values outside of the range of environmental conditions used in the training samples. To measure the amount of extrapolation in testing sites we used Multivariate Environmental Similarity Surface (MESS) introduced by Elith et al. (2010). We modified the mess function in the dismo R package to compute MESS values for points, not rasters. We estimated MESS values for the records in the presence-absence evaluation dataset, using the training presence-TGB as the reference sites. We used only continuous covariates for this. For more explanation on MESS, see Elith et al. (2010).

In Figure 7, we summed the number of testing points with extrapolation (negative MESS values) for each species. This gives a good sense of how frequently species from a region experience extrapolation when predicting.

The sum of extrapolated points of each species in each region.

Figure 7: The sum of extrapolated points of each species in each region.

Figure 8 shows the number of extrapolated sites when using spatial partitioning compared to random partitioning.

The sum of the number of extrapolated points in each species in random vs spatial partitioning.

Figure 8: The sum of the number of extrapolated points in each species in random vs spatial partitioning.

10- List of species used in modelling

For creating spatial blocks some species did not have enough data to fit and evaluate models. Here, we provide the list of species we used in our study (Table 9). You can see the location of each region on the world map in Figure 9. Read detailed explanation of this dataset in Elith et al (2020).

Location of each region in the world.

Figure 9: Location of each region in the world.

Table 9: List of species used for modelling. PO is the number of presence-only recods in the tarining dataset, TGBs is the number of Target-Group-Background samples, and Presence/Absence are the number of records in the evaluation dataset.
Region Species Group PO TGBs Presence Absence
1 AWT awt01 Birds 178 714 92 248
2 AWT awt02 Birds 149 714 105 235
3 AWT awt03 Birds 219 714 129 211
4 AWT awt04 Birds 216 714 158 182
5 AWT awt05 Birds 114 714 47 293
6 AWT awt06 Birds 265 714 187 153
7 AWT awt07 Birds 158 714 81 259
8 AWT awt08 Birds 231 714 137 203
9 AWT awt09 Birds 112 714 46 294
10 AWT awt10 Birds 122 714 102 238
11 AWT awt11 Birds 82 714 13 327
12 AWT awt12 Birds 32 714 16 324
13 AWT awt13 Birds 122 714 102 238
14 AWT awt14 Birds 99 714 65 275
15 AWT awt15 Birds 254 714 214 126
16 AWT awt16 Birds 144 714 64 276
17 AWT awt17 Birds 184 714 103 237
18 AWT awt18 Birds 242 714 137 203
19 AWT awt19 Birds 78 714 64 276
20 AWT awt20 Birds 104 714 80 260
21 AWT awt21 Plants 17 379 20 82
22 AWT awt25 Plants 12 379 24 78
23 AWT awt27 Plants 41 379 27 75
24 AWT awt31 Plants 14 379 62 40
25 AWT awt33 Plants 18 379 24 78
26 AWT awt35 Plants 44 379 52 50
27 AWT awt36 Plants 56 379 51 51
28 AWT awt37 Plants 28 379 21 81
29 AWT awt38 Plants 42 379 16 86
30 AWT awt39 Plants 20 379 32 70
31 CAN can01 Birds 16 3298 230 14341
32 CAN can02 Birds 740 3298 2682 11889
33 CAN can03 Birds 165 3298 703 13868
34 CAN can04 Birds 42 3298 887 13684
35 CAN can05 Birds 138 3298 846 13725
36 CAN can06 Birds 27 3298 53 14518
37 CAN can07 Birds 221 3298 333 14238
38 CAN can08 Birds 322 3298 2600 11971
39 CAN can09 Birds 119 3298 163 14408
40 CAN can10 Birds 234 3298 1251 13320
41 CAN can11 Birds 478 3298 4512 10059
42 CAN can12 Birds 312 3298 2045 12526
43 CAN can13 Birds 39 3298 735 13836
44 CAN can14 Birds 18 3298 400 14171
45 CAN can15 Birds 721 3298 3025 11546
46 CAN can16 Birds 57 3298 316 14255
47 CAN can17 Birds 313 3298 2758 11813
48 CAN can18 Birds 612 3298 1184 13387
49 CAN can19 Birds 109 3298 24 14547
50 CAN can20 Birds 380 3298 893 13678
51 NSW nsw01 Bats 26 147 120 450
52 NSW nsw03 Bats 12 147 21 549
53 NSW nsw05 Bats 22 147 40 530
54 NSW nsw07 Bats 28 147 44 526
55 NSW nsw08 Diurnal birds 129 1351 20 682
56 NSW nsw09 Diurnal birds 426 1351 77 625
57 NSW nsw11 Diurnal birds 48 1351 19 683
58 NSW nsw12 Diurnal birds 139 1351 27 675
59 NSW nsw13 Diurnal birds 155 1351 25 677
60 NSW nsw14 Diurnal birds 315 1351 161 541
61 NSW nsw15 Diurnal birds 236 1351 123 579
62 NSW nsw16 Nocturnal birds 120 1351 143 994
63 NSW nsw17 Nocturnal birds 148 1351 141 996
64 NSW nsw18 Open-forest trees 69 569 440 1635
65 NSW nsw23 Open-forest trees 60 569 480 1595
66 NSW nsw24 Open-forest trees 68 569 184 1891
67 NSW nsw25 Open-forest trees 23 569 87 1988
68 NSW nsw27 Open-forest understorey vascular plants 23 569 445 864
69 NSW nsw28 Open-forest understorey vascular plants 53 569 512 797
70 NSW nsw31 Open-forest understorey vascular plants 24 569 653 656
71 NSW nsw32 Open-forest understorey vascular plants 28 569 22 1287
72 NSW nsw33 Open-forest understorey vascular plants 15 569 513 796
73 NSW nsw39 Rainforest trees 16 569 414 622
74 NSW nsw40 Rainforest trees 14 569 359 677
75 NSW nsw43 Rainforest understorey vascular plants 42 569 216 693
76 NSW nsw45 Rainforest understorey vascular plants 22 569 138 771
77 NSW nsw49 Small reptiles 110 530 169 839
78 NSW nsw52 Small reptiles 186 530 165 843
79 NSW nsw53 Small reptiles 34 530 27 981
80 NSW nsw54 Small reptiles 118 530 13 995
81 NZ nz01 Plants 23 2503 66 19054
82 NZ nz02 Plants 80 2503 5130 13990
83 NZ nz03 Plants 32 2503 217 18903
84 NZ nz04 Plants 48 2503 1776 17344
85 NZ nz05 Plants 211 2503 3233 15887
86 NZ nz06 Plants 35 2503 1374 17746
87 NZ nz07 Plants 65 2503 42 19078
88 NZ nz08 Plants 124 2503 1767 17353
89 NZ nz09 Plants 36 2503 216 18904
90 NZ nz10 Plants 27 2503 1032 18088
91 NZ nz11 Plants 21 2503 741 18379
92 NZ nz12 Plants 25 2503 3727 15393
93 NZ nz13 Plants 21 2503 2745 16375
94 NZ nz14 Plants 19 2503 6458 12662
95 NZ nz17 Plants 94 2503 5537 13583
96 NZ nz18 Plants 43 2503 510 18610
97 NZ nz19 Plants 127 2503 800 18320
98 NZ nz20 Plants 33 2503 477 18643
99 NZ nz21 Plants 21 2503 842 18278
100 NZ nz22 Plants 130 2503 689 18431
101 NZ nz23 Plants 23 2503 3119 16001
102 NZ nz24 Plants 22 2503 60 19060
103 NZ nz25 Plants 113 2503 489 18631
104 NZ nz26 Plants 22 2503 238 18882
105 NZ nz27 Plants 40 2503 1102 18018
106 NZ nz28 Plants 18 2503 69 19051
107 NZ nz29 Plants 21 2503 3382 15738
108 NZ nz30 Plants 101 2503 7490 11630
109 NZ nz32 Plants 105 2503 1119 18001
110 NZ nz33 Plants 19 2503 781 18339
111 NZ nz34 Plants 42 2503 534 18586
112 NZ nz35 Plants 24 2503 10581 8539
113 NZ nz36 Plants 170 2503 6848 12272
114 NZ nz37 Plants 22 2503 2496 16624
115 NZ nz38 Plants 147 2503 1351 17769
116 NZ nz39 Plants 21 2503 33 19087
117 NZ nz40 Plants 19 2503 779 18341
118 NZ nz41 Plants 20 2503 40 19080
119 NZ nz42 Plants 27 2503 5845 13275
120 NZ nz43 Plants 137 2503 47 19073
121 NZ nz44 Plants 65 2503 2790 16330
122 NZ nz45 Plants 26 2503 301 18819
123 NZ nz46 Plants 36 2503 22 19098
124 NZ nz47 Plants 87 2503 2536 16584
125 NZ nz48 Plants 43 2503 889 18231
126 NZ nz49 Plants 37 2503 125 18995
127 NZ nz50 Plants 131 2503 959 18161
128 NZ nz51 Plants 42 2503 562 18558
129 NZ nz52 Plants 174 2503 555 18565
130 SA sa01 Plants 120 1221 15 137
131 SA sa02 Plants 150 1221 23 129
132 SA sa09 Plants 49 1221 10 142
133 SA sa10 Plants 99 1221 29 123
134 SA sa12 Plants 203 1221 15 137
135 SA sa15 Plants 88 1221 15 137
136 SA sa17 Plants 37 1221 11 141
137 SA sa18 Plants 123 1221 19 133
138 SA sa20 Plants 54 1221 10 142
139 SA sa21 Plants 27 1221 13 139
140 SA sa22 Plants 57 1221 11 141
141 SA sa24 Plants 138 1221 21 131
142 SA sa26 Plants 216 1221 27 125
143 SWI swi01 Trees 482 11429 107 9906
144 SWI swi02 Trees 1245 11429 298 9715
145 SWI swi03 Trees 291 11429 142 9871
146 SWI swi04 Trees 710 11429 119 9894
147 SWI swi06 Trees 5822 11429 6953 3060
148 SWI swi07 Trees 857 11429 222 9791
149 SWI swi08 Trees 1452 11429 477 9536
150 SWI swi09 Trees 937 11429 306 9707
151 SWI swi10 Trees 2830 11429 1366 8647
152 SWI swi11 Trees 749 11429 104 9909
153 SWI swi12 Trees 37 11429 20 9993
154 SWI swi13 Trees 3357 11429 3326 6687
155 SWI swi14 Trees 2142 11429 978 9035
156 SWI swi15 Trees 297 11429 134 9879
157 SWI swi16 Trees 734 11429 395 9618
158 SWI swi17 Trees 458 11429 308 9705
159 SWI swi18 Trees 382 11429 26 9987
160 SWI swi19 Trees 36 11429 19 9994
161 SWI swi20 Trees 613 11429 271 9742
162 SWI swi21 Trees 426 11429 224 9789
163 SWI swi22 Trees 560 11429 182 9831
164 SWI swi23 Trees 986 11429 1493 8520
165 SWI swi24 Trees 293 11429 278 9735
166 SWI swi25 Trees 279 11429 238 9775
167 SWI swi26 Trees 89 11429 22 9991
168 SWI swi27 Trees 468 11429 391 9622
169 SWI swi28 Trees 5528 11429 4246 5767
170 SWI swi29 Trees 154 11429 100 9913
171 SWI swi30 Trees 2800 11429 1520 8493

11- Statistical tests

11.1- Statistical test for random partitioning

Here the statistical test on the differences between methods in random partitioning are presented (Figure 10). The plots are \(AUC_{ROC}\), \(AUC_{PRG}\), and COR from top to bottom, respectively. The number on the top of the x-axis shows the range of the ranks of the models. The average rank of each model is indicated by the thin line connected to the axis. The lines (methods) that are connected by the horizontal thick line are not statistically different at 0.05 significance level.

Average rank and statistical difference of the methods in random partitioning.

Figure 10: Average rank and statistical difference of the methods in random partitioning.

11.2- Statistical test for MaxEnt variants in spatial partitioning

The Friedman’s Aligned Rank test indicated no significant difference among MaxEnt variants for \(AUC_{PRG}\). Thus here we only plot the result of pairwise test for \(AUC_{ROC}\) and COR (Figure 11). In general the differences between models are also insignificant for these statistics.

    Friedman's Aligned Rank Test for Multiple Comparisons

data:  roc_maxents
T = 13.704, df = 4, p-value = 0.008303

    Friedman's Aligned Rank Test for Multiple Comparisons

data:  prg_maxents
T = 7.7372, df = 4, p-value = 0.1017

    Friedman's Aligned Rank Test for Multiple Comparisons

data:  cor_maxents
T = 16.766, df = 4, p-value = 0.002146
Average rank and statistical difference of the MaxEnt variants in spatial partitioning.

Figure 11: Average rank and statistical difference of the MaxEnt variants in spatial partitioning.

12- Explanation for poor performance of some flexible methods

One result of interest is that some flexible methods (SVM, MARS and RF-shallow) did not perform particularly well (Fig. 3-5 in the main text). So why do these perform less well? It could be that they are not flexible enough: they have no or very limited interactions (Table 1 in the main text). To explore this idea, we did explore how much interactions affect results for BRT and MaxEnt (Section 8). Impacts are small and variable – for BRT, allowing interactions for species with > 50 data points improves performance slightly, and for MaxEnt, enforcing product features decreases it, probably because enforced feature classes perform less well on species with fewer records. Other issues may be at play for SVM, MARS and RF-shallow. It is possible that our implementation of them was not optimal, since we have more experience with the methods that did well than with some of these. SVM was fitted with defaults. Tuning options are available, so it may be worth testing this further. SVM did not perform as well in the “top 3” analysis (see Section 6) as it did in Valavi et al. (2022), where it was fitted with the same settings but on presence-random background data (rather than presence-TGB), and using more species and more data per species (because the current test-train experiment requires subsampling). These nuances could be further explored. MARS was fitted with the earth package in R. In Elith et al. (2006) MARS, fitted there using the mda R package, performed relatively better than in Valavi et al. (2022) and this study. We used earth because mda failed to fit MARS with many background samples for many species. Perhaps different implementations of this model would perform better. Finally, RF-shallow performed better on spatial partitioning than random partitioning (Figs 3-5 in the main text, and Section 6 here), and may benefit from some tuning of tree depth parameter (e.g., Valavi et al. 2021). This is an experimental approach for RF, and still needs to be explored further.

13- References


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Valavi, et al., "Flexible species distribution modelling methods perform well on spatially separated testing data. Global Ecology and Biogeography", Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2023

BibTeX citation

  author = {Valavi, Roozbeh and Elith, Jane and Lahoz-Monfort, José J. and Guillera-Arroita, Gurutzeta},
  title = {Flexible species distribution modelling methods perform well on spatially separated testing data. Global Ecology and Biogeography},
  journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {10.1111/GEB.13639}